Sarah Saxophone

Title text above is H one example (H2)

There was too much space between h1 and h2 – note the new height spacing I have given it and it should probably be made that way throughout all headings. It would be good to intro some colour potentially… but maybe we look at that after and apply the text first to see what it looks like. The H2 will do for now I think

Later in the site with (H2)

sub heading (H3) I think it should maybe be capitalise

I think this all looks nice, double check these adjustments I have made here… apply below. Then try it in a page before we then set globally and check it is all set up properly throughout the site and properly assigned appropriate h1 h2 h3 

I think maybe H3 looks better light? Like this? I quite like this. Should we google what size H1 and H2 sizes are meant to be?


For stand out headings (h4)

I think this all looks nice, double check these adjustments I have made here… apply below. Then try it in a page before we then set globally and check it is all set up properly throughout the site and properly assigned appropriate h1 h2 h3 


Do we need a call out text (H5?)

What H Tag Would call out text be (H3)

What is a call out text typically called? H5? Find out. The first header here is the call out text – should this be H5, then below we have a sub heading which would always be H3. 



For album names for ex (H6)

Maybe H6 better slightly bigger than paragraph text.

Would it be button text or is button text paragraph text as well.. google this info make sure things are in line with whats normal. 

Think this is looking nice. Just figure our why this paragraph setting text is acting differently to the above. 

Heading 1 – Sarah Saxophone

Heading 2 – What it looks like

Font: Roberto

Size: 76

Weight: 300 (light)

Transform: Uppercase

Heading 2 – What it looks like

Font: Roberto

Size: 42

Weight: 400 (normal)

Transform: Uppercase

Letter Spacing 06

Heading 3

Font: Roberto

Size: 29

Weight: 400 (normal)

Transform: Uppercase

Heading 4

Font: Roberto

Size: 22

Weight: 400 (normal)

Transform: Uppercase

Heading 5

Font: Roberto

Size: 18

Weight: 400 (normal)

Transform: Uppercase

Heading 6

Font: Roberto

Size: 16

Weight: 400 (normal)

Transform: Uppercase

Paragraph text, need to add this. We also need to test the text in context on one page to see how all the headings look before applying throughout. 
